Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sweet Misery

I don't know if there's a storm brewing, or if it's the ill effects of the immunizations Lucas got yesterday...and was somehow able to pass on to James. Maybe we're just horribly lacking in sleep.. hmm... But today was a miserable day. See here the face of misery!

Poor Lucas was not content for anything. AND he only had a one hour nap and refused to sleep longer! (believe me, I tried, but his cries out lasted my resistance). The only good thing here is the little man is presently sleeping soundly at 6pm :)

James, I think, feels a wee bit jealous when Lucas is hanging on my leg. James is also learning to obey, and this is not always a fun thing. Outside, he's a happy man, however. I set out the sprinkler and James loved it! Until, of course, he got too chilled.

Then I switched to the spray nozzle and he helped me wash the car. It's not a perfect job, but at least all the bird poop is gone :)
Now, in the quiet of the evening with James waiting for a story and Jerry offering his hand and much sympathy... I think, the day wasn't so horrible. The boys are sweet darlings, after all!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on this one!
    Brandon certainly has his moments too, although Anjali is rarely too much trouble these days.
    And you're right - one of the best cures for any bad mood is taking the kids outside!
    Hopefully the 6:00 pm bedtime didn't result in a 6:00 am wakeup!
    Jackie :)
