Thursday, March 25, 2010

James Pedals!

I had meant to post this video a while ago, but couldn't... Now thanks to my computer savvy mother-in-law for her technical support, here it is for your viewing pleasure!

Last fall we got James this bicycle at a garage sale, but he wouldn't pedal for anything. This spring, he seemed to get it just like that! Isn't it amazing what a winter will do? Now I'm trying to get him to pedal around the neighbourhood so I can push Lucas instead of carry him. Unfortunately he gets easily distracted by squirrels and birds and music coming from neighbours' garages... and he has a hard time getting that first pedal down. So, essentially, I'm dragging him around the neighbourhood; but he's getting better!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely FABULOUS!! Love that music selection too :) Thank you Bernice! XOXO
