Thursday, March 25, 2010

James Pedals!

I had meant to post this video a while ago, but couldn't... Now thanks to my computer savvy mother-in-law for her technical support, here it is for your viewing pleasure!

Last fall we got James this bicycle at a garage sale, but he wouldn't pedal for anything. This spring, he seemed to get it just like that! Isn't it amazing what a winter will do? Now I'm trying to get him to pedal around the neighbourhood so I can push Lucas instead of carry him. Unfortunately he gets easily distracted by squirrels and birds and music coming from neighbours' garages... and he has a hard time getting that first pedal down. So, essentially, I'm dragging him around the neighbourhood; but he's getting better!

Cheerios... Good Times!

Is this not sweet? Unfortunately, James can sometimes be found feeding Lucas things he ought not to be eating.

Sweeping up the fallen Cheerios!

Hamming it up... because that's what Lucas does best!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Lucas' First Haircut

Those beautiful wispy locks had to go... So sad.

Things went really well, aside from chasing him around the table. I remember James crying... but that could've been because he had 5 cousins singing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!" in his face. Hmm :)

There he is... our little boy, all grown up!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Some Sunday Shots

This little boy is needing a bit of a haircut, but I can't yet bring myself to trim those wispy locks!
And our stylin', handsome boy James. I'm his mom so I have bragger's rights ;)